About BSBC
Bay Springs Baptist Church has served the Porterville and Townsend communities of Kemper County, Mississippi, for nearly 150 years. Here you can read on the history, doctrine, and affiliations held by the church.
Bay Springs Baptist Church was founded in 1875 and affiliated with one of the first associations organized in the state of Mississippi in 1877. It is said that the first meeting was held in a brush arbor east of the present church in a grove of bay trees that surrounded a spring of water near by. This is believed to be the basis for the name, “Bay Springs.”
BSBC recognizes and agrees to the Southern Baptist Convention’s 2000 Baptist Faith and Message with regards to church doctrine.
BSBC chooses to cooperate with and support the Kemper County Baptist Association, the Mississippi Baptist Convention, and the Southern Baptist Convention. The church also recognizes the obligations of mutual counsel and cooperation that are common among Baptist churches.
Regardless of affiliation, this church is an independent body that is not subject to any other ecclesiastical body. Its direction is derived from the Spirit-taught, Scripture-based, pastor-led, deacon-served, and congregationally-affirmed will of its membership.
Bay Springs Baptist Church is a tax-exempt organization located in Porterville, Mississippi. Permission to use material from BaySpringsBaptist.org is granted for the purposes of informing the reader of the beliefs and schedules relevant to the Church’s operation. The site is not directly maintained or owned by the Church, but it has been created and dedicated to furthering its mission of faith. As such, no guarantees are made concerning the transmission of information presented on the site, and the Church will not be held liable for any errors that may be contained herein.
Original intellectual properties (sermons, studies, discussions, etc.) contained within this site are copyrighted material belonging to exclusively their author(s) and are published with full permission. Permission to copy or disseminate these materials is granted by the author(s) with the condition that credit is given and a referential link is included in its propagation.
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This site is an online outreach of the Bay Springs Baptist Church of Porterville, Mississippi.